Greenland Enterprises was recently selected for a $32M repair project at the US Army’s Watervliet Arsenal in Watervliet, New York. The arsenal started operations during the War of 1812 and is the oldest, continually active arsenal in the United States.
Greenland will repair and rehabilitate the arsenal’s chromium plating facility as part of the overall Main Manufacturing Area. The original plating facility was constructed in the late 1970s and became operational in the 1980s. Greenland will rehabilitate the large tube plating area, which is used for hard chromium plating of medium and large tube sizes, from six to ten inches in diameter and in lengths up to 40 feet.
The project involves replacing major components, including chrome plating tanks, electropolish tanks, caustic clean tanks, caustic strip tanks, rectifiers and cold-water-rinse tanks. The tanks are used in two separate plating lines. As part of that effort Greenland will also replace associated mechanical, electrical, plumbing, controls and air scrubber exhaust systems.
“We are excited to lend our expertise to such an important project for the US Army Corps of Engineers,” said Greenland President Steve Seckler. “The arsenal is a National Historic Registered Landmark and our team is proud to work at a location with so much history.”