Leveraging Efficient Design to Reduce Energy Costs

A recent article in Chemical Engineering highlights the increased efficiencies available by improving condensate recovery in pressurized steam systems. The premise is that recovering steam condensate can provide 15-35 percent fuel cost savings when compared to more traditional vented steam-condensate systems.

For many industrial applications, particularly in chemical industries, rising fuel costs are resulting in an increased focus on improving efficiency, from design and controls through engineering solutions. However, condensate recovery systems are not a one-size-fits-all solution and it’s imperative to engage an experienced design-build firm early in the efficiency conversation to determine what options are available. Proper design ensures that a condensate recovery system operates with the correct line size to allow for two-phase flow and has adequate controls to manage the pressures and operate at peak performance.

What does this mean for industrial plant owners? As fuel costs rise, optimizing steam production can pay big dividends. According to the article, condensate recovery systems are “among the top three items for optimizing a steam system, and have a very attractive payback for the investment.” That doesn’t necessarily mean plants should be upgraded with fuel savings as the primary driver, but when combined with new technologies in controls, design and construction, many owners are exploring steam plant upgrades earlier in the plant life-cycle.

If your steam generating system is in the second half of it’s predicted lifespan, or if maintenance and fuel costs are skyrocketing, it’s time to talk with a Greenland representative and begin exploring options to increase efficiencies and decrease operational costs. Get in touch today and let’s start the conversation.

Here’s a link to the full article.


Steam Systems