Greenland recently reached a milestone in a Florida boiler plant project: assembling, rigging and erecting a packaged over/under deaerator and condensate storage tank system. The solution is unique in that it is a dual-level prefabricated package that was built and tested off-site in modules and can be assembled on-site.
The complete system is mounted on a dual-level steel support stand, with the deaerator mounted above the surge tank, resulting in a package that is 31 feet high, 14 feet long and 10 feet wide. This keeps the overall footprint smaller than alternative designs, while also creating elevation that provides for adequate net positive suction head (NPSH) at the pumps.
Other benefits of the design and modular construction include smoother installation, less margin for error, deaerator head tray access, tank instrumentation access, improved controls access and less overall piping. The smaller footprint also provides the owner with more usable real estate at the central plant site.
The resulting system is a clear benefit of Greenland’s expertise. If you’re considering a district energy project, no matter what size or complexity, be sure to get the Greenland experience on your side. Contact us today to start the conversation.